Channeled Readings fromthe Heart Center

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Soul Magnificence Readings

It’s like taking a bath for the soul.
— Jennifer H.

Soul magnificence readings are a unique blend of guidance from our higher selves, our devoted guides, and the collective consciousness of the Heart Center of the Heart Center of the Universe. They are both a healing and a reading, designed to show you your own magnificence, soothe your soul, fully activate your divine and creative gifts, and connect you, permanently, with your own guidance system.

The Heart Center of the Heart Center of the Universe is a loving consciousness who is here to help as we evolve through an intimate, revelatory relationship with ourselves, and to literally create Heaven on Earth. They see our hearts, our talents, our innate and emerging gifts and challenges, and give us practical tools to truly become embodied, integrated, creative, loved, and awake.

They take profound joy in connecting with each and every one of us, and are eager to shower you with love and awareness.

The Heart Center wants you to know that you are seen, you are heard, you are loved, that you are never alone, that you can do this.



Interactive readings begin with an opportunity to ask questions, and a time for connection, then the Heart Center will join in. They always begin with a picture of your soul, then weave their way through your gifts, your challenges, and what you need to be fully supported.

  • Soul Magnificence Readings, 90 minutes, $150, are held in-person at my studio, via Zoom, or via phone. Readings are recorded.

  • To schedule, please use this booking link.

  • For questions, please email me directly at, or text 808-987-5535.


It felt like the information she was getting painted a portrait of how I feel on a soul level.
— Lauren H.
I am so grateful for my session with Sheila. Her channeling abilities are uncanny as is her ability to paint a picture of what she is “seeing”. My session was to get a general understanding of who I am from the perspective of the heart center of the heart center of the universe and the information that came through deeply resonated and was very accurate. It felt like the information she was getting painted a portrait of how I feel on a soul level. Thank you so much for your time and energy and for offering your gifts Sheila!
— Lauren H., Kona HI
Having something challenging just happen and then listening to the entire channeling, I felt profoundly loved and accepted for who I am. It was so powerful. I felt the Heart Center just love me in all my many forms and formlessnesses and my layers and lives—just all of it. And that is profoundly calming and reassuring and just also very yummy to feel that kind of unconditional love. So thank you, so much.
— Marla V., Santa Barbara, CA
It’s like taking a bath for the soul, like the guardians that created you are seeing you and telling you who you are, like the maternal/paternal ancestral soul family is telling you who you are. You feel so seen!

My reading with Sheila was pure bliss! Through her heart channeling and tapping into her gifts, I had received so many profound messages and insights into what was at the root cause of a lot of issues that I was dealing with while trying to figure out on my own.

Sheila brings an incredible depth and humor in her delivery. I laughed and cried. Her ability to really be super direct with what it is she sees in myself and my surroundings and a very beautiful way with a lot more self compassion and understanding for myself as well as others in my life and they’re all in their purpose.

I cannot express enough gratitude for how much this session had really truly moved me through a beautiful new gateway! I would highly recommend her readings to anyone truly desiring to move to a deeper place of self understanding!
— Jennifer C., Kealekekua, HI