Therapeutic hypnosis is not a show. It is a clinically proven modality that allows you to tap into your powerful subconscious mind to create health, vibrancy and success in whatever matters to you most.
What are the roles of the subconscious and conscious minds in hypnotherapy? You may be familiar with the idea of limiting beliefs, or patterns formed when we are young, or through trauma, that hold us back. It is estimated that 88% of our mind is ruled by our subconscious, while only 12% is ruled by reason, logic and willpower. This is why we can feel helpless when we try to change things, always falling back into old patterns. But just as the subconscious holds old patterns, it holds all of your powerful gifts and resources, and the parts of you that know how to be healthy, bountiful, positive, and excellent.
What is the science behind hypnotherapy? According to Dr. David Spiegel of Stanford University, three main things happen in the brain during hypnosis. MRI imaging confirms that the brain changes first allow a heightened focus. The second effect is to turn down the part of your brain that is associated with your identity, allowing you to try on, to feel, to imagine, being different. Finally, there is an increased connection between specific regions that allow you to control things you would not think you could control - like physiological responses. This is why hypnosis is so effective not only for habits or self-improvement, but for pain, IBS, and other physical challenges.
Therapeutic hypnosis is not a magic wand, but it can feel like one, because it allows your conscious and subconscious mind to stop fighting each other and come into agreement, which catapults you into positive and powerful action.
While many people think of hypnosis as a loss of control, therapeutic hypnosis provides the exact opposite experience. By bringing together your conscious and subconscious intentions, you deepen the connection between your mind, body, spirit, emotions, and the ability to act, so that you experience a much greater sense of control over your choices and your life.
In your initial session, we will do a deeper dive into how the subconscious, and the past, have been running the show, why change has been so difficult, and how hypnosis can help you with your specific issues. We'll get started on creating synergy between the conscious and subconscious minds, and begin hypnosis, so you can immediately feel its benefits.
In addition to hypnotherapy, I incorporate Therapeutic Imagery, which is a powerful tool that allows your subconscious to guide you to insights and breakthroughs.