Perimenopause and menopause should be treated as the rites of passage that they are. If not celebrated, then at least accepted and acknowledged and honored.
— Gillian anderson

hypnotherapy can Help!

  • Stop or greatly reduce hot flashes

  • Lower stress, which triggers hot flashes and weight gain

  • Help ease anxiety, mild depression, or feelings of “meh”

  • Support weight loss

  • Re-build pillars of health on a new foundation

  • Reframing time in life, self-image, empowerment

  • Quit smoking, which exacerbates symptoms

  • Better sleep

menopause: the journey of a million eggs

I want you to know that you are seen, and recognized, and that every woman goes on this journey in one way or another. Hypnotherapy can support you whether you use HRT (hormone replacement therapy) or cannot or choose not to. Below I have put some key facts about menopause, but there is so much more. Please schedule a Zoom with me to discuss in greater detail.

  • Menopause is journey, guided by a symphony of hormones, that goes a little jazz. 

  • At 5 months in utero, it begins, with 1-2M eggs

  • At 8-10, our brain sends the message to ovaries to start rehearsing

  • At menstruation, the symphony of hormones begins

  • Every month, 11,000 eggs journey out, for about the next 35 years

  • Finally, the ovaries retire

  • Post menopause encompasses up to 1/3 of a woman’s life

Do you recognize yourself?

Some psychological symptoms

  • Depression – 1 in 10 women

  • Anxiety, Increased Stress

  • Mood Swings, e.g. rage followed by shame

  • Lack of motivation – feeling of blah

  • Low Self Image

  • Struggle with new identity

  • Struggle with no longer feeling desirable

Some physical symptoms

  • Dizziness, Wooziness

  • Hot flashes, night sweats

  • Executive Functioning, Brain Fog, Losing Words

  • Insomnia

  • Gaining Weight, Body Composition Changes

  • Discomfort with Sex, Normal Urination

  • Joint Pain, Musculo-Skeletal Syndrome