Hypnotherapy Sessions

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?
— Mary Oliver
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Sessions are on Zoom. All Time Zones Welcome! Or In Person in Kailua Kona, HI

Schedule a FREE 30-Minute Zoom Here

My mission is to help you leave no talent unexplored,

and no dream unfulfilled.

✨What is standing in your way?✨ Hypnotherapy easily and naturally helps you move past bad habits, fears, lack of motivation, anxiety, and all the “buts” that have stopped you so far. If pain or health issues have been hindering you, hypnotherapy and imagery are powerful tools to move you towards optimal health.

✨You can imagine how your life will be different, can you not?✨ Hypnotherapy helps you bring the picture fully into focus, expand it, bring it to life, first in your powerful imagination, then in your everyday life.

We are all shaped by our backgrounds, relationships, successes and failures, from childhood to adulthood. Our journeys mold our habits, motivations, our very thoughts, beliefs, and fears, they inspire--and obscure--our deepest desires, and our most precious dreams. For some of us, we can hardly let ourselves even dream the dream! And for others, the dream may have just slipped through our fingers, like winning Olympic silver, instead of gold.

Wherever you are in the process, if you are reading this, you HAVE a dream. AND you already have the keys to achieving it: your vision, your commitment, and your own private power source.

✨Your vision✨ is what is already blooming inside you, the secret thoughts and pictures that play in your head, ideas scribbled on napkins, images you allow to play just before you fall asleep or driving in your car, listening to your favorite song. You may dream of surfing the perfect wave, being at your ideal weight, getting rid of sugar or vaping or smoking, hitting a hole in one, winning an Oscar, falling in love, appearing on Oprah, starting, or finishing, a novel, or getting past fears or phobias that stop you from living fully and freely. Hypnotherapy will draw this dream more and more powerfully into your conscious mind, as we create and rehearse it, creating NEW patterns, beliefs and behaviors.

✨Your commitment✨ is what has brought you here, because you already know that therapeutic hypnosis can allow you to move past blocks, outdated patterns, or beliefs, expanding into a totally new mindset. And it is what will keep you showing up for yourself, step by step, in your daily life, setting and meeting goals, dream by dream, moving forward.

Your power source✨ is the secret weapon, and it is deceptively simple: the ability to rest in the calm, the gap, between thought and emotion. This creates true freedom, the freedom to choose the action that serves your highest good, instead of reacting to an old pattern or trigger. In hypnotherapy, we create, strengthen and practice the experience of calm, building a powerful connection between the subconscious mind, the all-important gap, and action. We combine cognitive goals, hypnotic suggestions, and simple mindfulness tools to harness the full power of this synergy. Learning to tap into this state infinitely increases your capabilities to create the life you want. It calms and expands the mind. It allows gratitude to flow, so that you can enjoy your successes. It builds resilience, so you can learn from your failures. In short, it brings it all together.

Therapeutic hypnosis is not a magic wand, but it can feel like one, because it allows your conscious and subconscious mind to stop fighting each other and come into agreement, which catapults you into positive and powerful action.

While many people think of hypnosis as a loss of control (we’ve all seen that movie…), therapeutic hypnosis provides the exact opposite experience. By bringing together your conscious and subconscious intentions, you deepen the connection between your mind, body, spirit, emotions, and the ability to act, so that you experience a much greater sense of control over your choices and your life.

In your initial session, we will do a deeper dive into how the subconscious, and the past, have been running the show, why change has been so difficult, and how hypnosis can help you with your specific issues. We'll get started on creating synergy between the conscious and subconscious minds, and begin hypnosis, so you can immediately feel its benefits.


Session Information

Sessions are Zoom. All Time Zones Welcome! Or in -person in Kailua Kona, HI

Schedule a Free 30 Minute Zoom Here


Managing Anxiety

Social Anxiety

Phobias and Fears

Peak Performance in Sports

Business & Arts

Habit Control (Quit Smoking, Healthy Weight)

Past Life Regression Therapy

Pain Management


Perimenopause & Menopause


Imagery for Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases

All Standard Hypnotherapy, Imagery and Past Life Regression Therapy Sessions: $100

First Session

The first session includes an intake and assessment and runs a little longer than the standard 60 minute session, about 90 minutes. During this session, we will talk about your goal(s) with hypnotherapy, what has been stopping you, and set a clear target for our work together. I’ll take some time explaining hypnosis and answering any questions, then do some testing to understand how you take in information. The hypnosis section of the session is recorded, and I give that to you to reinforce the suggestions over the coming week. In the case of Pain Management, the initial session may run a bit longer, as the intake process is more detailed. If you are here for Smoking Cessation or Pain Management, or would like to talk more before booking an appointment, please Schedule a Free 30 Minute Zoom or text or call 808-987-5535. (*PS I do not charge extra for the longer first session.)

Recurring Sessions

Hypnotherapy is powerful, and many people feel a shift after one session. However, we are often unwinding years of subconscious behavior, so if it feels like a good fit after the first session, 3-6 weeks is a realistic starting point for most issues, and many clients choose to continue with ongoing support either weekly, bimonthly or once a month. Follow-up sessions are also beneficial to reinforce the changes you have made, or to learn self-hypnosis as a tool. And many people find that as they experience growth in one area, they benefit from working in another area as well. Hypnotherapy can serve as a constant and support in all areas of self-improvement. Plus, it’s like an inner massage week after week, bathing the nervous system in calm and spaciousness. Like the initial session, you will receive a recording of the hypnosis portion of the session to reinforce the positive suggestions.

Quit Smoking or Vaping: HOT DEAL $250 for 3 Sessions (Initial 2 Hours, Follow Ups 75 Minutes):

I feel so passionate about you quitting smoking or vaping that I want to make this program accessible to anyone truly ready to quit. The normal cost of this series would be $500, but I am offering this package for $250. You must commit to all 3 sessions. Trust me, quitting smoking was the battle of my life. I worked with several hypnotherapists over the years, and I am positive about TWO things. ONE, you CAN quit in the first session. Hypnosis will turn you into a person who can make the logical and powerful choice to STOP smoking, when you never believed you could. TWO, reinforcing the suggestions and deep commitment of the first session absolutely turbo-charges your success, setting you up for a lifetime of smoke-free living. As I want to set you up for the ultimate success, Schedule a Free 30 Minute Zoom to learn about the process and prepare.


  • Education: Hypnosis Motivation Institute, CHt, Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Imagery Facilitator

  • Member American Hypnosis Association (AHA)

  • AHA Certifications: Smoking, Vaping and Cannabis Cessation, Pain Management, Sports Performance, Weight Loss, Inner Child Work, Past Life Regression Therapy, Tinnitus

  • Additional seminars: Driving Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Phobias, Relationship Patterns, Insomnia

Book a Free 30-Minute Zoom Here or text/call 808-987-5535
