Hypnotherapy allowed me to break free from the prison of nicotine and become smoke free forever. It is why I became a hypnotherapist.
— Sheila Gallien

quitting nicotine

Understanding Nicotine

Nicotine is not a habit. Smoking is not a habit. It’s a nicotine addiction, and brainwashing*.

Nicotine is one of the most highly addictive substances on the planet, but the withdrawals are not as catastrophic as substances like heroin. This is one of the reasons it is so insidious. Nicotine wears off in about 45 minutes, so nicotine users spend most of their lives in slight withdrawal, but never descending into convulsions, sweats and vomiting. It might be easier to believe on a subconscious level that nicotine was destroying you if this happened.

The truth is, when you stop nicotine, 97% of it leaves your system after 8 hours. 100% of it leaves your system after 3 days. So why can’t we make it past the 3 days?

Because we have bought into an entire belief system about nicotine. Most people start nicotine when they are teenagers, even if it is intermittent, never imagining that they would be smoking or vaping 10, 20 or 30 plus years later. Billions of dollars have been poured into making us believe nicotine, especially cigarettes, are special, precious, and serve us in some way. Look at the images of coolness? So easy to find. Then we collectively convince each other that nicotine helps us relax, concentrate, achieve, overcome - but none of these things are actually true. If they were, all relaxed, focused, successful and balanced people would use nicotine. The truth is, we are all of those things WITHOUT nicotine. It is the nicotine itself causing the withdrawal that makes us irritable, uncomfortable, and anxious, and that it allegedly soothes. Many of us started too young to know and remember how much energy we had, how good we felt, and how real our own power, confidence and enthusiasm are when we are not chasing this addiction.

Hypnotherapy allows you to break free of the brainwashing and step into your true confidence, freedom and health. We don’t need to talk about the bad things nicotine does. We know what they are. We look, instead, at how your subconscious beliefs have kept you in conflict, and the move easily and seamlessly into your new life.

Free From Nicotine Program

If you are truly ready and committed to end nicotine use, you will walk out of our first session an ex-smoker, ex-vaper, or ex-chewer.

We do a 30-minute pre-interview to understand your own subconscious associations, then schedule a date to quit. You don’t cut down, you don’t change brands, you just begin imagining your life after breaking out and breaking free, and you will already start to feel yourself emerge from the cloud of delusion. Nicotine has never helped you. You are all that you need.

We then do two follow up sessions to reinforce your new life.

Cost for the Free From Nicotine Program is $500

If you think that is a lot, consider these numbers: If you vape 30ml/week for the next 30 years, it will cost over $30,000. If you smoke a pack a day for the next 30 years, it will cost $140,000.

*Allen Carr in his bestselling program and book first used this framing around nicotine. I have found no better understanding.