The most important thing in changing human behavior is the person’s motivation.
— Milton Erickson

healthy weight

So many of our habits, particularly our habits around food and exercise, are formed when we are young. Some of us could eat anything, move or not move, and feel just fine. Some of us may have always responded “differently” than others, and struggled with weight and mobility at an early age.

Either way, our subconscious mind formed habits and patterns to keep us safe and secure in alignment with our early experiences, and in its childlike innocence, never wants to change.

And yet, we change.

No matter where we started, our bodies are constantly evolving. We are affected by hormones like menopause, changes in metabolism, illness, pregnancy, job stress, time restrictions, financial pressures around nutrition and exercise, anxiety, depression, grief. But the subconscious mind has not adapted. It is still stuck in these old patterns, trying to keep us “safe.”

Not all of our subconscious patterns come from childhood. We may develop patterns from powerful positive associations, or from trauma, that blast their way into our neurology. An example of a powerful positive experience that becomes negative might be the thrill of smoking cigarettes when you weren’t supposed to, or bonding with friends outside a club. You felt accepted, alive - and even if cigarettes will kill you - the subconscious will not let go. Another might be a secret ritual with chocolate that you shared with someone you love, which at one point felt nourishing, but now is threatening your health.

When we KNOW something is bad for us, and we do it anyway, when we try to change a habit from sheer willpower and only make it a few days, weeks or months, then find ourselves back where we started, we can be sure that our subconscious believes the old way is the best way, even if it feels bad now.

Hypnotherapy allows us to penetrate the subconscious mind, to change the associations that are outdated, and to build new neuropathways based on your current self, current reality, and current desires. Its power lies in building intrinsic motivation, by allowing the brain to experience the reward of having already achieved your goals.

My approach is a whole person approach, so I will support you with hypnotherapy to address the subconscious beliefs, while also guiding you through practical steps to make the changes you most desire to make.